Some of the industries with the strictest regulations include those that produce food and beverages. A manufacturer must put the public’s health first and ensure that any toxins or impurities that might be hazardous are eliminated. A great way to change flavor, colors, and odors, as well as harmful pollutants, is by using activated carbon. Beverage manufacturers who can only utilize the cleanest water in their operations frequently use our activated carbon products for water filtration. Are you looking to buy carbon for the manufacture of food and beverages? To chat with one of our specialists, get in contact.
When removing impurities from edible oil, activated carbon is frequently used to:
Changes in color removing, toxic pollutants (PAH – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Dioxins, and PCB – Polychlorinated Biphenyl)
In this application, our powdered activated carbons deliver performance that leads the industry.
Beer, boiled water, and soft drinks are typically made with water that has been treated with activated carbon to guarantee that it fits the requirements of the beverage industry and food regulations. Our carbon products are capable of removing a range of impurities, undesirable substances, tastes, and odors.
In the preparation of concentrated fruit juice, activated carbon is widely employed. Patulin, a tightly controlled organic compound frequently found in apples and other fruits, can be effectively removed by it. It may also be used to change colors and get rid of odors.
Numerous activated carbon compounds from Watch Water Carbons are useful for eliminating undesirable byproducts from a variety of sweeteners. We also utilize our products to decolorize things.
For the purification of citric acid and the elimination of undesirable colorants, Watch Water Carbons provides a variety of carbon products. Utilizing activated carbons can assist citric acid makers in adhering to industry norms and high food quality standards.
The preservatives lactic acid and monosodium glutamate, as well as the thickening gelatin, are all often made using activated carbons (also known widely as MSG). Watch Water Carbons offers premium activate ed carbon compounds in granular and powdered forms for organics removal, decolorization, and deodorization.
An excellent natural additive colorant for pigmentation used in the production of cheese, cosmetics, and confectionery (especially licorice), is activated carbon.
For the purpose of purifying glycerine, activated carbon can be used to remove undesired colors and byproducts as well as stabilize the final product and manage how old it gets.
In the manufacturing of wine and vinegar, activated carbon products are used to alter color, get rid of bad odors, and eliminate impurities. With the aid of our activated carbons, manufacturers can ensure that they abide by stringent industry rules.
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