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Gold Recovery


Mining operations all throughout the world recover gold. Gold extraction, like most other sectors, must strike a difficult balance between restricting operational expenses and maximizing return on investment (whilst maintaining environmental responsibility too). This requires selecting the best supply of activated carbon. Activated carbons from Watch Water are used in nearly half of all adsorption desorption-recovery facilities globally. Along with providing top-notch goods, we also provide unmatched technical assistance, audits, testing, and on-site troubleshooting to help our clients understand how the behavior of the carbon might affect recovery levels.



The majority of the time, heap leach solutions with a high solids concentration are recovered using carbon-in-column. This process involves the up-following passage of the gold cyanide solution through numerous flfluidized bed columns.


Leaching and the carbon-in-pulp process are combined in the carbon-in-leach method to form a single-unit process activity. This method is typically used when the gold ore contains native carbon (a high organics load), which adsorbs the leached gold and prevents its recovery.


With carbon-in-pulp, the gold is solubilized using a cyanide leach in a series of tanks atier the ore is finely processed. The gold is then adsorbed by the addition of carbon. The percentage of gold recovered using this process is high.

Activated Carbon Specialist
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